Swim Club @ Lodge 88 is at full capacity

Already a member of Lodge 88?? please email us

Signing up for the Wait List is free and creates no obligation on your part to join SPJST, Lodge 88, or the Swim Club now or whenever memberships are available.

This wait list is for the swim club only. Membership in Lodge 88 has no wait list, and is open to anyone at any time. Along with the many events and opportunities available to all lodge members, you will also have limited access to our swim club and its related programs; i.e. swim lessons and the Lodge88 Lionfish swim team.


membership requirements

Anyone can join the Wait List. If you are already a member of Lodge 88, and want to join the wait list, please contact swimclubmembers@lodge88.org

Once you  reach the top of the waiting list and a membership for the swim club opens up, you must already be a member of Lodge 88 to receive your invitation. 

Consequently, as you approach the top of the waiting list, you will be notified via email and provided with guidance on how to become a member of SPJST and Lodge 88. 

Should you opt not to join at that time, and subsequently reach the top of the waiting list with a vacancy in our swim club, precedence will be given to the first Lodge member in line behind you.

  • Before you get to the top of the waiting list: Become a Member of SPJST Lodge 88

    • Join us in making Lodge 88 the center of The Heights Community!

    • Regardless of your position on our waiting list for the swim club, we encourage you to join SPJST Lodge 88.  We have much to offer and are always accepting new members.

    • For more details on becoming a member click here.

  • When you are invited to our swim club:

    • Purchase Refundable Membership Deposit in the Swim Club

      • One Membership Deposit ($6000*) is required per family.

      • Membership Deposits are refunded when you resign and a replacement Membership Deposit is purchased by another family.

    • Pay Initiation Fee ($600*, non-refundable)

    • Pay Swim Club Annual Dues  ($1200*, non-refundable)

      • Swim club annual dues are paid on an annual basis and are adjusted at the end of each swim season to cover forecasted operating expenses for the Swim Club.

    * Dollar amounts are subject to change. $6000/$600/$1200 is for 2024

  • While you are a member of the swim club

    • Volunteer at the Lodge

      • SPJST Lodge88 is a charitable organization that needs volunteers to maintain the Lodge property and run many events; both private and open to the public.

      • 5 volunteer hours per family annually is required for all members of our swim club.

how does the money work?

Refundable Membership Deposits are sold to fund the capital costs of the pool. When a member ends their membership, the full deposit is refunded when a replacement deposit is purchased by  another family.

Initiation Fees contribute to the capital reserve fund

Annual Dues are collected to cover pool operating expenses. The annual dues are equal to the swim club’s operating budget divided by the number of member families.